
時間 2021-05-02 16:50:51


watching ; often ; any ; so ; ago ; working ; began ; much ; angry ;idea


my grandfather never watched tv.he thought that people spent too much time( in )it.some of his friends( always )talked about sports shows,the movies and plays.

my grandfather said to himself,"they never read( good )books or go out in the evening".( so )he did not buy a tv.two years( ago )my grandfather was 60 years old.

he stopped( reading )in the hospital. my father bought him a tv.he ( began )to watch all the news.

he knows( much )more about the world now.and he reads more books,too.now,my grandfather will get very( angry )if terrible him when he is watching tv.

i can not understand that one can change his( habit )when he is 60.


watching never any even ago reading likes news annoyed life

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