
時間 2021-10-21 09:59:13


are these your sisters ?

no , these are my friends ?


are they yuor sisiters? no ,they are my friends.

is he your older brother?no,he isn't

is poly your litter brother ?yes he is

mary isn't my sister .she is my cousin .

are they his grandparents?no ,they aren't.

these are oranges.

that is my book

is emmma your good friend?

is that your cousin or friend?


are these your sisters? no, they are my friends。

is your brother? no, notpaul is your brother? yes, he is 。

mary's not my sister, he is my cousin。

those are his grandparents? no, not

those are oranges.

this is my book.

is emma my good friend?

is that your cousin or friend?


方辛 哈嘍,保羅,咱們玩電腦遊戲吧。聽起來很有趣啊,珍妮,可是我沒有電腦啊。好吧,那你有排球嗎。有啊,那我們玩排球吧。啊,排球太難了 好吧,咱們看電視吧。啊,聽起來好無聊,嗯 咱們踢足球吧,你有足球嗎,不,我沒有。嗯好吧,那你有籃球嗎 有啊,我有籃球,那我們打籃球吧。i聽起來不錯啊 榜樣 hi,保羅...


這段意思怎麼這麼看不起我們這些尋常的人呢?這完整的文章不知道lz可否告知?通常只有那些偉大的學者和哲學家有能力思考。我們這樣的尋常百姓怎麼敢 和他們一樣 去思考?我們唯一能做的就是 憑空 想象,成天 幻想,白日 做夢,假想,不切實際地 空想。接著,再悄悄 私下 在我們的臆想中捏造出來。因此,這樣粗俗...

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