
時間 2022-09-04 13:30:10


morning pain and the attack, then decided at noon to do massage, massage for me is an old chinese medicine, 70 minutes of torture ah, my tears come out, they also want to ask can change a person, because it really stand in! but i actually did, now go back to the office, suddenly felt very relaxed, the waist warm, comfortable, it didn't hurt at all! look, when pressing comfortable it who will, according to the finished also comfortable only old doctor of traditional chinese medicine!


漢譯英高手幫忙翻譯一下謝謝,中譯英,請高手幫忙翻譯一下,謝謝! 25

中淑巢弼 logistics manager ofchongqing base address h block,haier industrial park,gangcheng road no.1,jiangbei district,chongqing city 就這兩句了 不對我跟你姓了 100 真...


各位誰能幫我翻譯一下下面這幾段文字 中譯英和英譯中都有 謝謝了!我自己翻譯的,不夠工整,反正大概是這麼個意思應該 任何失敗方堅持嚴格要求履行的條款,對方當事人不得將其視為失敗方放棄它的權利和賠償,也不得視為失敗方放棄對其他當事人任何相應違約的追究,除非書面立定並執行條款,否則當事人的不棄權始終有效。...


我的答案是 make a sheet of bank information with stamp as well as the following items currency,beneficiary,country,a c number and name of bank.注 在外匯匯款中通常需要...