
時間 2022-08-11 12:25:05


結構是: was/ were +動詞ing

如: when my father arrived home yesterday, my mother was sleeping, i was drawing and my little brother was jumping the rope. my siter was painting.

while they were swimming, i called them.


when i was reading my books yesterday afternoon, he was jumping ( sleeping ,swimming,drawing pictures,painting )with his friends

英語過去進行時練習,過去進行時練習 求解答

1.my mother was washing clothes when i got home yesterday.2.tom came to my house when i was doing my homework.3.we were learning english when the boy ...


表示過去某一時刻正在進行的動作,或者正在做的事情。形式 was 用於單數人稱主語後面 were 用於複數主語人稱後面 doing i was sleeping at then.they were playing computer games when i came in.過去進行時表示過去將來是什麼...


就是do啊!doing進行時 done完成時did過去式 do doing did 英語時態我知道一般現在時,一般過去時,一般將來時,現在進行時,過去進行時,現在完成時,過去完成時,總共有16種 一般現在時,現在完成時,現在進行時,現在完成進行時 一般過去時,過去完成時,過去進行時,過去完成進行時 ...