用because of和because各組5組句子記住,是5組,每個5組

時間 2022-05-12 19:50:07



the boy was always late because it took so long to get dressed.


i can't do it now because i am busy.


the reason i am here is because i want to ask for your help.


you must not think ill of her because she did not love you.


i did it because they asked me to do it!


because of:

many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods.

由於發大水, 許多開車旅遊的人被迫停留在那個鎮上了。

his business went under because of competition from the large corporations.


because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an airport in another city.


the dog was panting because of the hot weather.


so we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.



she didn't go to school because of her bad health.

she didn't go to school because she was ill.

i stay here because of you.

i stay here because you are here.

we could not finish the work because of the rainy day.

we could not finish the work because it kept raining from morning.

i could not go to college because of my bad grade in the exam.

i could not go to college because i failed the exam.

he came back because of me.

he came back because i asked him to stay.

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