
時間 2021-11-04 19:27:53


english is interesting but math is boring.playing the computer is interesting but reading is boring.basketball is interesting but volleyball is boring.

action movies are interesting but documentaries are boring.


math is interesting but our teacher makes it boring.

the movie is interesting? i think it's boring.

please tell me some intereting books, i don't want boring ones.

the game seems interesting but once played, boring.


this book is boring play computer is very insteresting


0沫隨緣 interesting的同義詞 fascinatin迷人的,有極大吸引力的 使人神魂顛倒的 garousing 喚醒 激起性慾 使行動起來 absorbing吸引人的 非常有趣的 thought思想 想法 關心 思索 captivating k ptiveiti 迷人的,有魅力的,有吸引力...

用are there造句用yes和no回答

問 is there any food in the fridge?冰箱裡有吃的嗎?肯定答 yes,there is。有。否定答 no,there isn t。沒有。問 are there any trees behind your house?你房子後有樹嗎?肯定答 yes,there are。有...

用like和dont doesntlike造句,把你爸爸 媽媽喜歡的和不喜歡的寫出來(至少六句話)

my father likes to play ping pong,but he doesn t like piay badminton mf mother likes to play badminton but she doesn t like piay ping pong my morher l...