
時間 2021-05-06 04:56:06


m:can i help you?

w:i want to buy some bananas.

(the man looks for the banana on the shelf.)

w:wow,the bananas are yellow and big,they are looking

very nice! great.how much is it?

m:they are only 7 yuan a kilogram.

w:ok,i will take it.they are health to many people.thank you very much!



m:can i help you?

w:i want to buy some bananas.

(the man looks for the banana on the shelf.)

w:wow,the bananas are yellow and big,they are looking

very nice! great.how much is it?

m:they are only 7 yuan a kilogram.

w:ok,i will take it.they are health to many people.thank you very much!



a:can i help you? (what can i do for you?

)b: i want to buy a pair of glasses.a:

do you like this pair?b: no.

a: how about this pair? it is very fashionable.

b: yes, i like this. how much is it?

a: it is 100 yuan.b:

ok, i will take it.a: thank you.

少兒英語水果試講教案全英文,急,少兒英語水果試講教案全英文,急 20

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