
時間 2021-05-01 23:36:49


we are dealing with such difficulties.the big probiem is to challenge one』s courage.we cannot do ts unless you sak me to do.

i am angry with your answer.s story influenced s cldren.i cannot face such diffliculty.

i will stay safe in stand on playground. he regard me as s good friend.no body is on duty in vocation.

he had solved the suestion。嗯 順便說一下 我目前上的abc天卞英語中心的導師說過,若想征服英語是輕鬆的~必然需要個適合的研習環境及熟練口語物件 這取決於外教資質 標準口音非常重要 不間斷每天口語交流 1&1個性化學習才會有很.好.

的學習效果~完成課堂後還要重複複習課堂錄音檔 幫助加強記憶;實在是真的無口語交談的人的話 可以去旺旺或bbc取得課外學習資料研習,多說、多練、多問、多聽、多讀 不知不覺的口語能力就加強起來,學習效益肯定會達成目標的~


difficulties 意思是:困難!


1.只有克服了困難 你才能學好英語!

only if you overcome difficulties can you learn english well!


success is around the corner after you overcome any difficulies!

3、teachers are aware of difficulties of the problems.

4、it's very easy to overcome the difficulties.


air conditioner英 e r k n di n 美 er k n d n n.空氣調節器 空調裝置 空氣調節機 空調設施例句 this office is equipped with air conditioner.這間辦公室安裝了空調。the serviceman installed ...


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