六年級 句型轉換

時間 2021-05-04 02:19:42


1 what are students doing now?

2 how many women are there under the tree?

3 how much is the school bag?

4 they are old men.

5 tom seldem dose his homework in the evening.



1、what are the students doing now?

2、how many women are there under the tree?

3、how much is the school bag?

4、they are old men.

5、tom never does his homework in the evening.



1.what are the students doing?

2.how many women are there under the tree?

3.how much does the school bag cost?

4.they are old men.

5.tom seldom does his homework in the evening.


珊瑚蝶 一 改否定句 1先找be動詞或can must should may,在這些詞的後面加not.2如果沒有上面那些詞,在動詞前加don t doesn t didn t。二 改一般疑問句 1找be動詞或can must should may,把它調在前面。後面照抄 2如果沒有上面那些詞,就在句...

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