vb程式設計與應用實訓11 5飄動的氣球

時間 2022-08-03 09:00:07



private sub command1_click()if shape1.shape >= 5 thenshape1.shape = 0


shape1.shape = shape1.shape + 1end if

end sub

private sub command2_click()if shape1.fillstyle >= 7 thenshape1.fillstyle = 0


shape1.fillstyle = shape1.fillstyle + 1

end if

end sub

private sub command3_click()static i as integer

if i >= 15 then

i = 0

shape1.backcolor = qbcolor(i)else

i = i + 1

shape1.backcolor = qbcolor(i)end if

end sub

private sub form_load()command1.caption = "切換形狀"

command2.caption = "切換填充樣式"

command3.caption = "切換填充色"

shape1.backstyle = 1

end sub



dim h%

const l = 270

const t = 120

private sub form_load()me.height = 7650

me.width = 9930

shape1.move 3360, 5640, 1095, 855shape1.backstyle = 1

shape1.backcolor = vbredline1.x1 = 3840

line1.x2 = 3840

line1.y1 = 6960

line1.y2 = 6480

timer1.interval = 150end sub

private sub timer1_timer()h = h + 1

if shape1.top <= 120 thentimer1.enabled = falseend if

if h mod 2 = 0 then

shape1.left = shape1.left - lline1.x1 = line1.x1 - lline1.x2 = line1.x2 - lelse

shape1.left = shape1.left + lline1.x1 = line1.x1 + lline1.x2 = line1.x2 + lend if

shape1.top = shape1.top - tline1.y1 = line1.y1 - tline1.y2 = line1.y2 - tend sub


珈藍惜夢 vb源程式如下 option base 1 private sub command1 click dim a 5,5 as integer,b 5,5 as integer for x 1 to 5 for y 1 to 5 a x,y int 10 rnd 90 隨機產生兩位數的整數 p...


電機拆裝與檢修 一 電機的定義及分類 1 電動機是根據電磁感應原理,把電能轉換為機械能,並輸出機械轉矩的原動機。2 分類 二 電動機常見故障分析及判斷 電機常見故障主要分機械故障和電氣故障兩大類。按電流分 直流交流 同步非同步 單相三相 繞線式鼠籠式 3 電機的結構 主要分為定子和轉子。機械故障主要...


private sub command1 click if text1.text 0 or text2.text 0 then text3.text 該座標在座標軸上,不在象限內!exit sub end if if text1.text 0 and text2.text 0 then text3....