
時間 2022-08-01 04:00:08


1\i think i need your pen pal, i also very talkative.

2\you come to china? what had been? i very much want to know something about you.

3\do you like listening to music you? i think i like music, i was good at drum set. i would like to grow up a band group.

4\what are the good of france to visit this place? i would like to go to paris. i like art.


because it is foreign friends, they are like the courtesy, especially in france, so i hope that we can be careful in our choice of words ha ha. it is not so bound by it!

thank you, oh, say first.

also a few words i can write other.

i think i need your pen pal, i also very talkative.

you come to china? went wrong? i can not wait you want to learn more about the matter.

do you like music you? i think i like music, i am good at the instrument is drums. i would like to grow up a band group.

what are the good of france to visit this place? i would like to go to paris. i like art.

add: add a, i like a band in japan.


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寫給舅舅一封信,寫給舅舅一封信 10

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