
時間 2022-06-06 18:45:08



【beauty miss world】美美世界兒

your love made me forget the world. 君情令我世忘卻

and i'm saying it to the whole world 亦也令我言世情

your hugs means so much to my heart. 君擁於我心重要

and it's the world's most beautiful place.亦是世上最完美無瑕之地

in love,i am madly in love.相戀中,狂野相戀中

i am madly in love.狂野相戀中

with you my darling i feel.感覺同你,我最親愛的人兒

the queen of beauty miss world.美美世界兒的女皇

the queen of beauty miss universe.美美宇宙兒的女皇

i feel in love with all my being. 因愛而似覺存在著

there is no one like you .再亦無同你般美之人

i never close my eyes,永不合上我雙眼

until i'm in your arms.直到在君懷抱中



your love made me forget the world.

and i'm saying it to the whole world.

your hugs mean so much to me.

and it's the most wonderful in the world.

in love,i am madly in love.

i am madly in love.

with you my darling .

the queen of beauty miss world.

the queen of beauty miss universe.

i feel in love with all myself.

there is no one like you .

i never close my eyes,until i'm in your arms這莫非是情書?有才!


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b d a b 無正確答案 c whose presents 太多了。有沒有 英語高手 幫忙中文翻譯成英文一下 重金懸賞!重金懸賞!求英文翻譯!誰能幫我完整,正確的翻譯這段英文歌詞呀?翻譯的好我追加100分 愛洛的城堡 你去過那麼孤獨 你感覺就像是 只有一個在這個世界上?你曾經想扮演2 有了這麼多的...