
時間 2022-03-10 12:25:09


1. he wishes to get a good job after graduation.

2. she is not very outgoing, it's hard for her to get long with other students.

3. sometimes we should lay down our burdens and enjoy ourselves.

4. in many situations, computers can also identify users and commands.

漢譯英 軟體翻譯不要,有加分

my name is luda.born on 1982.05.06 in tianjin.male.25 years old.in good health.single.graduated from nankai english department and then worked as a gu...

請求翻譯漢譯英高懸賞分 機器翻的不要

不好意思,忘記把文章貼出來了,問題補充又不能貼那麼多字,就只能這麼貼了 呵呵 文章如下 我們知道,多 在教學中的應用生動了教學現場,使得原本在課堂上單一的耳提面命式的教學模式發生了重大變化。多 的應用,不僅能讓老師把他們所想描述表達的知識內容以多種多樣的形式呈現在學生面前,另一方面,學生們也能在原本...

漢譯英,請英文高手進來。翻譯英語 高手請進

i m sorry for a lot of thing to you,i owe much things to you,please give me some time,i ll do better 自己翻譯的。費了半天勁希望幫到你。翻譯英語 高手請進 讓你的孩子學習的難度接近讓他們吃蔬菜。有乙個...