
時間 2022-03-08 10:15:17


toxic!!!!我激動的列baby, can't you see

i'm calling

a guy like you should wear a warning

it's dangerous

i'm falling

there's no escape

i can't wait

i need a hit

baby, give me it

you're dangerous

i'm loving it


can't calm down

losin' my head

spinnin' 'round and 'round

do you feel me now?

with the taste of your lips

i'm on a ride

your toxic tongue slippin' mine (ohh ohh)

with the taste of the poison paradise

i'm addicted to you

don't you know that your toxic?

and i love what you do

don't you know that your toxic?

it's getting late to give you up

i took a sip from a devil's cup

slowly, it's taking over me


can't calm down

it's in the air and it's all around

can you feel me now?

with the taste of your lips

i'm on a ride

your toxic tongue slippin' mine (ohh ohh)

with the taste of the poison paradise

i'm addicted to you

don't you know that your toxic?

and i love what you do

don't you know that your toxic?

don't you know that your toxic?

with the taste of your lips

i'm on a ride

your toxic tongue slippin' mine (ohh ohh)

with the taste of the poison paradise

i'm addicted to you

don't you know that your toxic?

with the taste of your lips

i'm on a ride

your toxic tongue slippin' mine (ohh ohh)

with the taste of the poison paradise

i'm addicted to you

don't you know that your toxic?

intoxicated now

with your lovin' now

i think i'm ready now

intoxicated now

with your lovin' now

i think i'm ready now



是《toxic》 她在這個mv裡穿的那件沒有布料的鑽石網衣 可是價值連城呀


長干行 繞床弄青梅 句解 妾發初覆額,折花門前劇。郎騎竹馬來,繞床弄青梅。同居長干里,兩小無嫌猜。十四為君婦,羞顏未嘗開。低頭向暗壁,千喚不一回。十五始展眉,願同塵與灰。常存抱柱信,豈上望夫台。十六君遠行,瞿塘灩澦堆。五月不可觸,猿聲天上哀。門前遲行跡,一一生綠苔。苔深不能掃,落葉秋風早。八月蝴蝶來...


茶。香葉 嫩芽。慕詩客 愛僧家。碾雕白玉 羅織紅紗。銚煎黃蕊色 碗轉曲塵花。夜後邀陪明月 晨前命對朝霞。洗盡古今人不倦 將知醉後豈堪誇。這首奇怪的詩是唐代文學家元稹寫的。元稹 779 831年 字微之,別字威明。洛陽人。8歲喪父,少經貧賤。15歲時就考上了 明經 25歲當上了秘書省校書郎。元和四年 ...

求歌德的一首詩,求一首詩。 10

水晶 戀人的身旁 歌德 當陽光照在海上的時候 我就開始會想著你 當月亮照耀湖面的時候 我就開始會想著你 當路上揚起灰塵的時候 我就會看到你的身影 夜晚在小巷子中 偶然遇到了陌生人的時候我就好像看到你的身影當大波浪掀起的時候 我就會聽到你的聲音 當大家熟睡時安靜的森林裡 我也會聽到你的聲音就算沒有在一...