
時間 2022-08-09 03:25:11


we can never start again from the beginning, not only the past, but anytime, including now, every minutes and every seconds are all cannot be replaced and cannot start over again. and we, are living in such time.


can't once come from the beginning of, isn't only past!include now anytime, each divide each one is can't replace and can't once come from the beginning.but we, live in thus of the inside of time


we can't get the clock back ,not only now,every seconds can't be replaced and experience it again.however ,we are living in this time


can not go back to the beginning, doesn't mean that there's only past! in any time, include now, every seconds and minutes cannot take over by anything, can't go back to the beginning. and we are living in these time.


things that we can't get back to the beginning are not only the past.at any time,including now,every second can not be replaced or got back to the beginning.however, we live in such time.


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