用VB弄個自動按鍵可以關閉的,用VB弄個自動按鍵 可以關閉的

時間 2022-09-18 07:25:19


dim f1 as boolean, f2 as boolean, f5 as boolean

dim n1 as long, n2 as longprivate sub form_keydown(keycode as integer, shift as integer)


print keycode

print shift

if keycode = 112 thenf1 = 1

timer1.enabled = trueend if

if keycode = 113 thenf2 = 2

timer1.enabled = truexsend if

if keycode = 116 thenf5 = true

f2 = false

f1 = false

end if

end sub

private sub timer1_timer()if f5 = true then

timer1.enabled = falsef5 = false

exit sub

end if

if f1 = true then

sendkeys "", true

end if

if f2 = true then

sendkeys "~", true

end if

end sub


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