
時間 2022-03-29 16:45:13


ladys and gentlemen, i feel so proud to be able to speak here. i would like to start with a brief self-introduction. (但是實際上你這裡啥都沒有就跳轉到了另乙個話題) we usually say that one should keep learning, and we do study ever since the kindergarten to the university.

what are the influence of education to us?


i'm very honored to be here to deliver my speech.

first i would like to give you a brief self-introduction.

from kindergarten to university,we are being educated all the time/

what exactly does education bring us?


it's a great honor for me to be here to give a speach.firstly,please allow me to introduce myself.

we are accepting education almost all the time,but what has it bring to us from the kindergarten to the present university?


i ll be fine by 2013 you ll see,by 2013 i ll be ok it ll all be great for me by 2013 i ll definitely be all ok by 2013 2013 is when all will be well f...


1 王 詩詩 申 北京 學院 専門 二 年生 學生 2 特長 歌 踴 演 私 幼 頃 優秀 歌手 歌 歌 私 一番 幸 世界 舞臺 上 歌 観客 感動 思 夢 持 今 頑張 今度 活動 參加 本當 思 私 私 頑張 結果 求 原點 夢 確 今 私 優秀 歌手 違 自分 腕 鍛 頑張 続 言 簡単 私...


my sweetheart,as it is the 100th day we ve been together,i wanna say i love you forever.心肝寶貝,這是我們在一起的第100天,我想說我永遠愛你。my baby,today is the 100th day we ...