
時間 2022-03-18 07:30:09


be worry about 對……什麼感到擔心

i am worried about you.(我很擔心你。)樓主給的句式有錯,不是worry是worried。

be proud of 以……自豪

i am proud of my hometown.(我為我的家鄉而自豪)

be determind to 下決心

i determined to go to school on time.(我下定決心上學不再遲到。)

prmise to do (這什麼意思我忘了)

i promised to love you forever.(我發誓我永遠愛你。)

felt like doing

he felt like singing in the room.(他很喜歡在房間裡唱歌)

keep one's word 遵守諾言

you should keep your word to do what you promised.(你應該信守承諾,做你答應要做的事情。)

be one's fault

it is your fault to lose this pen.(丟了這支筆是你的錯。)


i am a student, so is he.(我是個學生,他也是。)

cannot help do 情不自禁的 。。

i can't help thinking about you.(我情不自禁地想你)



we are all worry about his illness.

we are proud of his success.

i am determind to study hard.

father promised to back home early.

i feel like drinking tea.

i will keep my word.

this mistake is my fault.

i cannot help crying because of the tragedy.


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