英語句型轉換,急急急,英語句型轉換,1 5題,謝謝,急急急!!!

時間 2021-10-30 09:06:31


1.were there any people2.didn`t do

3.how much

4.had a good time

5.took back



1. were there any people in the class room just now?

2. he didn't do his homework in his bedroom.

3. how much milk is there in the glass?

4. they had a good time at the aquarium.

5. they took a bus back to school.


1.there were some people in the classroom just now(改為一般疑問句)

__are___ ___there__ __any___ __people___in the classroom just now?

2.he did his homework in his bedroom.(否定句)

he___didn't__ ___do__his homework in his bedroom.

3.there's some___ milk in the glass.(對劃線部分提問)

_how_ _much_milk is there in the glass?

4.they enjoyed themselves at the aquarium.(同義句轉換)

they __had___ __a___ ___good__ __time___at the aquarium.

5.they returned to school by bus.(同義句轉換)

they ___take__a bus ___back__to shool


幾道英語句型轉換 急急急急~!!!謝謝各位大蝦幫幫忙~!**等~!


1. whom is lilei writing to in his room?

when do you go to the mall?

who goes home late?

what is lucy playing now?

what does she want t do with her dog?

where are the boys playing basketball?

what is the reporter doing in front of the shop?

what does your sister do every saturday?



1.who/whom is li lei writing to in her room?

2. when do you go to the mall?

3. who goes home late?

4. what is lucy playing now?

5. what does she want to do with her dog?

6. where are the boys playing basketball?

7. 此題樓主檢查下, 劃線和題幹都可能有問題。

8 what does your sister do every saturday?


1whom is li lei writing to in his room?

2when will we go to the mall?

3who goes home late?

4what is lucy playing now?

5what she wants to do with her dog?

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