
時間 2021-06-18 16:07:34


plenty of ,a lot of ,lots of ,a quantity of ,quantities of,a supply of ,supplies of, a mass of, masses of可與可數名詞和不可數名詞連用

a number of ,a variety of , varieties of, a good/great many 後接可數名詞複數a good/great many of 後面的名詞複數前要有the/these/those/one's

a great amount of, amounts of ,a great/good deal of 後接不可數名詞 a sum of 修飾貨幣


a lot of= lots of 後面可以接可數名詞複數或不可數名詞(建議考試用這個)

many + 可數名詞複數

much / a number of / a great deal / a mount of + 不可數名詞



只能修飾可數名詞的:a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few

只能修飾不可數名詞的:a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little,a large sum of

既可修飾可數也可修飾不可數名詞的:plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of, a good supply of

但是a number of不能修飾不可數名詞。


many/much, a lot of, numerous, abound, plenty of, huge amounts of, loads of, abundant in, a great deal of

英語片語造句,英語片語造句 最簡單的那種

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用英語片語造句 satisfied with對。滿意。acloses lookat對。湊近看仔細。as被描述成。fromseason toseason.季節更迭。ispower 知識就是力量。用所給的單詞和片語造句.1 i usually listen to music in the evening...

幾個英語單詞或片語的意思,求解幾個英語片語和單詞意思 會幾個說幾個謝謝!!!!!

於藍天 1 開啟 一般標在開口處。2 不要吸菸,一般在公共場合。3 東方航空,4 推,一般標在出入口出。5 出口。6 呼救訊號。7 中國製造,一般用在商品的名牌上。8 從這邊開啟。9 辦公時間。10 關閉。11 不要停車,一般用在公共場合提醒司機不要在此處停車。12 拉。13 入口。14 說明,須知...