英語正規翻譯 今天給答案 急用

時間 2021-05-06 03:01:14


順序譯法:sequence translation逆序譯法:reverse translation綜合法:

comprehensive law分句法: decomposition sentence law時序譯法:sequential translation分句法很難翻譯阿。



sequence translation

reverse translation

comprehensive law

syntax -

sequential translation


康帥大爺 不能你那樣 we today go to play.中國式英語就是你這種習慣。應該你們老師沒有給你講過兩句話吧。這裡我給你說一下 how are you。how 怎麼的意思 表疑問 are be 動詞 是的意思 you 主謂語都行 你的意思 how old are you how 怎麼的意...

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what s the special today?和what special day is today?都對!但what kind is the fish?對,what s the kind of the fish?不對 因為 what special day is today?what kind ...

英語翻譯 今天的天氣怎麼樣,冷嗎

證貳捌頸 how about the weather today,isn t it cold? today s the weather how,cold? how s the weather today?is it cold? 透過雲彩的陽光 how about the weather of tod...