求用vb做的資料轉換器。介面如下 我財富值就這麼多了,求大神幫忙,救命啊

時間 2022-03-11 23:25:09


注意下,我的option button是那控制項陣列,就是把乙個option1複製多3次,總共4個option1,依次是二進位制,八進位制,十進位制,十六進製制。把**複製進**區就ok了。option explicit dim text as string private sub command1_click() '按鍵二進位制的設定option explicit

dim text as string

private sub command1_click() '按鍵二進位制的設定

if option1(0).value = true then

text2.text = val(text1.text)


if option1(1).value = true then

text = oct_to_dec(val(text1.text))

text2.text = dec_to_bin(val(text))

elseif option1(2).value = true then

text = text1.text

text2.text = dec_to_bin(val(text))

elseif option1(3).value = true then

text = hex_to_dec(text1.text)

text2.text = dec_to_bin(val(text))

end if

end if

end sub

private sub command2_click() '按鍵八進位制的設定

if option1(1).value = true then

text2.text = val(text1.text)


if option1(0).value = true then

text = bin_to_dec(val(text1.text))

text2.text = oct(val(text))

elseif option1(2).value = true then

text = text1.text

text2.text = oct(val(text))

elseif option1(3).value = true then

text = hex_to_dec(text1.text)

text2.text = oct(text)

end if

end if

end sub

private sub command3_click() '按鍵十進位制的設定

if option1(2).value = true then

text2.text = val(text1.text)


if option1(0).value = true then

text = bin_to_dec(val(text1.text))

text2.text = text1.text

elseif option1(1).value = true then

text2.text = oct_to_dec(val(text1.text))

elseif option1(3).value = true then

text2.text = hex_to_dec(text1.text)

end if

end if

end sub

private sub command4_click() '按鍵十六進製制的設定

if option1(3).value = true then

text2.text = val(text1.text)


if option1(0).value = true then

text = bin_to_dec(val(text1.text))

text2.text = hex(val(text))

elseif option1(1).value = true then

text = oct_to_dec(val(text1.text))

text2.text = hex(val(text))

elseif option1(2).value = true then

text2.text = hex(val(text1.text))

end if

end if

end sub

private function dec_to_bin(dec as long) as long '十進位制轉二進位制

dim i as integer

dim b as string

b = ""

while dec \ 2 > 0 or dec mod 2 <> 0

b = str(dec mod 2) + b

dec = dec \ 2


dec_to_bin = val(b)

end function

private function bin_to_dec(bin as long) as long '二進位制轉十進位制

dim a as string

dim b as long

dim i as integer

a = str(bin)

for i = 1 to len(a)

b = b + val(mid(a, len(a) - (i - 1), 1)) * 2 ^ (i - 1)

next i

bin_to_dec = b

end function

private function oct_to_dec(oct as long) as long '八進位制轉十進位制

dim a as string

dim b as long

dim i as integer

a = str(oct)

for i = 1 to len(a)

b = b + val(mid(a, len(a) - (i - 1), 1)) * 8 ^ (i - 1)

next i

oct_to_dec = b

end function

private function hex_to_dec(hex as string) as long '十六進製制轉十進位制

dim a as string

dim b as long

dim n as string

dim i as integer

a = hex

for i = 1 to len(a)

n = mid(a, len(a) - (i - 1), 1)

select case n

case 1 to 9

n = n

case "a"

n = 10

case "b"

n = 11

case "c"

n = 12

case "d"

n = 13

case "e"

n = 14

case "f"

n = 15

end select

b = b + val(n) * 16 ^ (i - 1)

next i

hex_to_dec = b

end function




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