
時間 2022-08-02 12:05:06


q: why did the chicken cross the road?

a: to show the armadillo that it was possible.

q: why did the chicken cross the road?

a: to get away from colonel sanders!

q: why did the chicken cross the road twice?

a: because it was a double-crosser.

q: why did the iraqi chicken cross the road?

a: to take over the other side.

q: why did the chicken cross the playground?

a: to get to the other slide.

q: why did the chicken cross the beach?

a: to get to the other tide.

q: why did the dinosaur cross the road?

a: chickens hadn't evolved yet.

有沒有爆笑笑話,有沒有爆笑笑話 5

孔子曰 打架用磚互 照頭乎 乎不死 在乎!佛曰 我佛慈悲 照頭乎 一乎既死! jiaowo澤哥 有一天,小明的老師問小明3x2和2x3有什麼區別,小明回答之後被老師教訓了一頓,然後小明回到家之後就問他老爸這個問題,他老爸就回答說,這他媽的有什麼區別,小明就說,我當時就是這麼說的!有一天,小白兔去麵包...


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仲孫汀蘭業午 一農夫去醫院看病,大夫問他你那不舒服啊?農夫回答我蛋疼。大夫問是 疼吧。農夫臉一紅說 搞完疼,不搞也疼。 唯美少妝 有童鞋花了一百五十塊錢剪了一個很抽象的頭。回寢室後遭到幾個室友強力批判!這時候一旁沉默許久的一同學總結說 這髮型價效比很高啊!才花一百五,就剪了個二百五的頭。 y醬噗哩噗...