
時間 2021-10-30 09:08:32



1.lily is playing ( with) a cat. 2.

our village is (beside) a village.the village is (near) a river.


1.tim is sharping his pencil.(f) 改正:tim is sharpening his pencil.

2.i and tom are doing our homework.f 改正:.tom and i are doing our homework


1.there are some clouds in the sky.(變成否定句)

there aren『t any clouds in the sky

2.(tim and his brother) are playing in the garden.(就括號部分提問)

who are playing in the garden?

3.our school building is( beside a park).(就括號部分提問)

where is our school building?

4.he is reading in the living room.(改為否定句)

.he isn』t reading in the living room

5.he is living in new york now.(變為一般現在時)

he lives in new york now.

6.(mr.jones) is with his family.(就括號部分提問)

who is with his family?

7.there is (a village) in the photograph.(就括號部分提問)

is there anything in the photograph?

8.they are walking along the bank.(改為一般疑問句)

are they walking along the bank?




1.with 2.in on

1 f tim is sharpening his pencil. 2 f tom and me are doing our homework.

there aren『t any clouds in the sky

who are playing in the garden?

where is our school building?

he isn』t reading in the living room

he lives in new york now.

who is with his family?

is there anything in the photograph?

are they walking along the bank?


1. with 2. 第二個空填along判斷正誤1.

t 2.f tom and i are doing our homework.(第一人稱、第二人稱、第三人稱並列時順序問題)


1. there are not any clouds in the sky.

2. who are playing in the garden?

3. where is our school building?

4. he is not reading in the living room.

5. he lives in new york.

6.who is with mr.jones' s family?

7. what's in the photograph?

8. do they walk along the bank?


with in near tfthere are not some clouds in the sky

who are playing in the gardenwhere is our school building.he is not reading in the living room

he lives in new york

who is his family withwhat is there in the photographare they walking along the bank參***。個人對第二題有疑問,是不是抄錯題目了「我們的村莊()村莊」邏輯不通,如果覺得還行歡迎加分


1.with 2.in on

1.2.doing 改為do

1..there is any clouds in the sky2.who are playing in the garden?

3.where is your school building?

4.he is not reading in the living room

5.he lives in new york


with beside near tim is sharping with his pencil tom and i.....

there are'nt any ....... who are playing.... where is our ....

he isn't..... he lives........ who is.......

what is there in th....

are there......






我喜歡鳥語花香的春天,喜歡蒼翠欲滴 的夏天,也喜歡碩果累累的秋天,但我 更愛那白雪皚皚的冬天。冬姑娘匆匆接走了秋婆婆的班,帶著她 給大自然的禮物,來到了人間。初冬,是一位美麗的,高貴的公主,舞 動著她那神奇的面紗,送來片潔白的雪 花。你瞧!一顆顆小小的雪粒,像撒下的白 砂糖一樣,它們在空中飄舞著,並...

幫一下忙吧 20,幫忙回答一下吧

偶像!你才是我的偶像!周星馳算什麼?你比他幽默!周潤發算什麼?你比他有氣質!周杰倫算什麼?你比他有才華!周伯通算什麼?你比他功力深!周樹人算什麼?你比他文學泰斗!周公算什麼?你比他會解夢!周扒皮算什麼?你學雞叫比他好聽!周漁算什麼?你比她長的像火車!周瑜算什麼?你比他會生氣!舟舟算什麼?你比他有 細...


1.交付牛奶。2.進來的呼叫。3.外面不走呼叫。4.很高興的天性。5.詼諧感。6.在告訴孩子們小故事的高興。7.合理。8.作為時間繼續了。9.解決爭端。10.是有益的。11.到這天。12.服務出現。13.高興的叫喊的 做得不錯 14.我們的路徑交叉了。15.允許組成測試。16.將永遠感謝。17.在一...