
時間 2021-10-19 17:02:45


saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part.

food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat. in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place.

besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part.

food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat. in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place.

besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.

關於中國美食的英語作文 80字左右 有中文翻譯








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saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part. food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat.

in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place. besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.saying, "a society prosperity well-clothed, our country's food culture, exquisite, profound traditional culture is an important part.

food is the core of the system of diet. china's staple food with rice and wheat. in addition, millet, corn, potatoes, sweet potato and buckwheat, various beans also holds a place.

besides rice, steamed buns, noodles as various pasta, and rich and colorful porridge, bread and ever-changing snacks make people table rich and colorful.




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