初一上半學期1 2單元英語單項選擇

時間 2021-07-23 07:23:22


1. --- where's my book, please?

--- ________, i don' t know.

a. sorry b. thanks c. no d. excuse me

2. --- your pictures are very nice.

--- ___________.

a. you are right b. thank you c. you are ok d. that's ok

3. --- where is my soccer ball?

--- it' s ______ the table ______the floor.

a. on, under b. on, on c. under, under d. under, on

4. 「i」 ________ a word (單詞) and a letter (字母).

a. be b. is c. am d. are

5. --- what about playing basketball after class?

--- ______________.

a. thank you b. that's all right c. sounds great d. yes, it's boring

6. i like _______ because they're funny.

a. comedy b. the comedy

c. a comedy d. comedies


clean the desk ,__________?(will you)

1. --- where's my book, please?

--- ________, i don' t know.

a. sorry b. thanks c. no d. excuse me

2. --- your pictures are very nice.

--- ___________.

a. you are right b. thank you c. you are ok d. that's ok

3. --- where is my soccer ball?

--- it' s ______ the table ______the floor.

a. on, under b. on, on c. under, under d. under, on

4. 「i」 ________ a word (單詞) and a letter (字母).

a. be b. is c. am d. are

5. --- what about playing basketball after class?

--- ______________.

a. thank you b. that's all right c. sounds great d. yes, it's boring

6. i like _______ because they're funny.

a. comedy b. the comedy

c. a comedy d. comedies


clean the desk ,__________?(will you)



100道初一上半學期數學題,初一上冊數學100道計算題 帶答案)

98 76 87 23 56 75 7 8 4 3 5 21 8 2 6 59 68 21 8 11 8 61 2 9 7 9 56 4.6 3 4 1.6 4 3 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 12 2 3 4 1 4 0.4 1 3 2 22 4 2 4 3 2 8 8 1 2 8 1 8 2 3...

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