
時間 2022-03-31 10:55:11



private sub form_load()text1.text = ""

for i = 0 to 25

text1.text = text1.text & chr(65 + i)

next i

end sub

private sub text1_mouseup(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

dim n as integer

dim m as integer

dim n_m as string

n = text1.selstart

m = text1.sellength

n_m = mid(text1.text, n + 1, m)if m <> 0 then

msgbox "the value of n: " & n & vbcrlf & "the value of m: " & m & vbcrlf & "the string between n and m :

" & n_m

end if

end sub


private sub command1_click()print text1.selstart

print text1.sellengthprint mid(text1.text, text1.selstart + 1, text1.sellength)

end sub


1. n=text1.selstart

2. m=len(text1.seltext) '或 m=text1.sellength

3. text1.seltext


private sub text1_mouseup(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

print text1.sellength, text1.selstart, text1.seltext

end sub


print text1.sellength, text1.selstart, text1.seltext



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