急!幫忙將中文翻譯成英文! part 1 (我是給美國人發的)我翻譯了但語法嚴重錯誤

時間 2022-04-08 06:30:12


dear jenny

first of all,i explain i'm chinese and my enlish not good.

actually we had wrote each other one time.i think you must forgot it.

i unexpected saw that your address in my address list of e-mail.

are you remember you teached english name of boanerges to the church in yanji china? then,i named myself "ceallen", that's facetiosity bethink, it』s breach of english name rule and pronunciation. my chinese name is qu guangy.

actually i want to improve my korean in a chaoxian(korean) nationality church however get myself in double harvest pleasantly surprised.


起名 named

沒想到 however

就這麼給她她能看懂 不用該了 這才能體現出你英文不好,她會幫你該的


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把中文翻譯成英文 30,把中文翻譯成英文

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