
時間 2021-10-19 00:28:25


1:should your clothes be washed everyday? yes,because they are dirty.

2:this hill hasn't been planted of these trees.

3:what's the door made of?it's made of metal.

4:rice is seeded in south china.



1.do you wash your clothes every day? yes, because they are dirty.

2. there is no species of these trees on the mountain.

3.what is the door made of? it is made of metal.

4. rice is planted in south china


are your clothes washed everyday? yes,they are dirty.

these trees are not planted in this mountain.

what is the door made of? the door is made of metal.

rice are planted in the south of china.


1.wash your clothes every day, do? yes, because they are dirty.

2. there is no species of these trees the mountain.

3.the door is what to do? it is made of metal.

4.cultivation of rice in southern china.

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