翻譯1 上週五我在公園裡照相。(否定句 一般疑問句 兩種回答 劃線部分提問

時間 2021-10-27 21:04:14


i took pictures in the park last friday

i din't take pictures in the park last friday

did you take pictures in the park last friday

yes i did no i didn't

i went to beijing by air last year

i didn't go to beijing by air last year

did you go to beijing by air last year

yes i did no i didn't

how did you got o beijing last year

i went to guangming bookstore last saturday afternoon

did you go to guangming bookstore last saturday afternoon

yes i did no i didn't

where did you go last saturday afternoon


1.i flew to beijing last year.(i went to beijing by plane last year.)

否定句 i didn't fly to beijing last year.(i didn't go to beijing by plane last year.)

一般疑問句 did you fly to beijing last year?(did you go to beijing by plane last year?)

兩種回答 yes,i did . no,i didn't.

劃線部分提問 第二種how did you go to beijinglast year?

2.i went to guangming bookstore last saturday afternoon.

翻譯 1.上個星期天我很忙碌。(翻譯並變成否定句、一般疑問句、兩種回答) 2.上個夏天她們很忙碌。(翻譯並


i was very busy last sunday .

i was not very busy last sunday .

was i very busy last sunday.

yes,i was. no i wasn't

they were very busy last summer.

they were not very busy last summer.

were they very busy last summer?

yes, they were. no, they weren't

it was my father's birthday that day.

it wasn't my father's birthday that day.

was it my father's birthday that day?

yes, it was. no, it wasn't.


1.last sunday, i was busy.

last sunday, i was not busy.

were you busy last sunday?

yes, i was. no, i wasn't.(此處一樓錯誤,應該是were,不是was)

2.last summer, they were busy.

last summer, they were not busy.

were they busy last summer?

yes, they were. no, they weren't.

3.that day was my father's birthday.

that day wasn't my father's birthday.

was that day your father's birthday?

yes, it was. no, it wasn't.


i was very busy last sunday.

i was not busy last sunday.

were you busy last sunday?

yes, i was. no, i wasn't.

last summer, they were busy.

last summer, they were not busy.

were they busy last summer?

yes, they were. no, they weren't.



lucy doesn,t do her homework




lucy doesn't do homeworkdoes lucy do homework?

yes, she does

no, she doesn't

what does lucy do?


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