
時間 2021-10-21 04:46:16


this is my good friend,henry.he is a boy who comes from france.he is at the age of 13.

he has brown hair.he has a big nose.his eyes are big.

and he is tall and thin.he looks like his father.we're good friends.


this is my friend. he is a boy.his name is henry.

he comes from france. he is 13 years old. he has brown hair.

he has a big nose. his eyes are big. he is tall and thin.

he looks like his father . we're good friends.


我們與知識的邂逅 我的家鄉,我的祖國 我的家鄉是個美麗的地方,它的名字就叫安陽,這塊生我養我哺育我的地方有珍貴的歷史遺蹟,還有美麗的自然風光。安陽是商朝的都城所在地,而商朝是我國第一個有文字記載的國家,也就是從這時起,炎黃子孫的祖先從矇昧走想了文明。商朝的甲骨文聞名天下,這種刻在龜甲 獸骨上的文字就...


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