
時間 2022-07-09 20:20:08


1. comes from 2.member of 3.

don't need any. or 4.how many boxes are there on the floor.

5. how long does he exercise every day?

what does he want to make?


1.comes from

2.member of

3.doesn't need any or4.how many boxes are there on the floor?

5.how long does he exercises every day?

6.what does he wants to do?



1.comes from 2.member of3.need neither… nor

4.how many boxes are there on the floor?

5.how often does he exercise every day?

6.what…want to do


選a。of是介詞,後接動詞ing形式,排除c和d。keep.from.阻止,避開 譯文 這就是我能想到的不讓那些畫不被毀的方法。stop.doing sth.停止做 原來的 某事 this is the best way i could think of to prevent those paint...


設小李還需x小時才能完成剩餘部分 2 4 2 5 x 5 1 x 5 0.1 x 0.5 小李還需0.5小時才能完成剩餘部分 設小李還x小時才能完成剩餘部分 設總量為1,每小時 小王完成1 4 小李完成1 5方程得 2 1 4 1 5 x 5 1 x 5 1 10 x 1 2 小李還需半小時才能完成...


你一生輝煌的軌跡 閃耀在一本書裡 一支支歌從你的日記裡飄出 編織我們理想的天宇 你短暫的生命之光 使我們思想的原野 茂盛出鮮花和露珠 生長著陽光和糧食 你那麼年輕就倒下 做了時代精神的基石 如今 難道你僅僅屬於 一年一度的三月春風 屬於 紀念館的幽雅環境?人潮裡許多人像我一樣長懷渴望 想與你溫暖地握...